Curve-Curve Intersection

The problem of intersecting two curves is a difficult one in computational geometry. The Curve.intersect() method (when using the GEOMETRIC strategy) uses a combination of curve subdivision, bounding box intersection, and curve approximation (by lines) to find intersections.

Curve-Line Intersection

>>> import bezier
>>> import numpy as np
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0  , 1.0  ],
...     [0.375, 0.375],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=1)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
array([[0.25, 0.75],
       [0.25, 0.75]])
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
array([[0.25 , 0.75 ],
       [0.375, 0.375]])
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.5, 0.5 ],
...     [0.0, 0.75],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=1)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
array([[0.5      ],
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 4.5, 9.0],
...     [0.0, 9.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 6.0],
...     [8.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=1)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
       [0.5      ]])
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0  , 1.0  ],
...     [0.375, 0.375],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=1)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.5, 0.5 ],
...     [0.0, 0.75],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=1)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
array([[0.5  ],
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [-1.0, 0.5, 0.0],
...     [ 1.0, 0.5, 2.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.5, -0.25],
...     [0.5,  1.25],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=1)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
array([[0.5      ],
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)

Curved Intersections

For curves which intersect at exact floating point numbers, we can typically compute the intersection with zero error:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0 ,  0.5 , 1.0 ],
...     [0.75, -0.25, 0.75],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
array([[0.25, 0.75],
       [0.25, 0.75]])
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
array([[0.25 , 0.75 ],
       [0.375, 0.375]])
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 1.5, 3.0],
...     [0.0, 3.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [3.0,  2.625  , -0.75  ],
...     [1.5, -0.90625,  2.4375],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
array([[0.25 , 0.875],
       [0.75 , 0.25 ]])
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
array([[0.75   , 2.625  ],
       [1.125  , 0.65625]])
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.375, 0.75 ],
...     [0.0, 0.75 , 0.375],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.25  , 0.625 , 1.0   ],
...     [0.5625, 0.1875, 0.9375],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
array([[0.5       , 0.8333...],
       [0.16666..., 0.5      ]])
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
array([[0.375  , 0.625  ],
       [0.46875, 0.46875]])

Even for curves which don’t intersect at exact floating point numbers, we can compute the intersection to machine precision:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [1.125,  0.625, 0.125],
...     [0.5  , -0.5  , 0.5  ],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> sq31 = np.sqrt(31.0)
>>> expected_ints = np.asfortranarray([
...     [9 - sq31, 9 + sq31],
...     [9 + sq31, 9 - sq31],
... ]) / 16.0
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(intersections - expected_ints))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err) <= -53
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> points = curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> expected_pts = np.asfortranarray([
...     [36 - 4 * sq31, 36 + 4 * sq31],
...     [    16 + sq31, 16 - sq31    ],
... ]) / 64.0
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(points - expected_pts))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err)
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0     , 0.5     , 1.0     ],
...     [0.265625, 0.234375, 0.265625],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> sq33 = np.sqrt(33.0)
>>> expected_ints = np.asfortranarray([
...     [33 - 4 * sq33, 33 + 4 * sq33],
...     [33 - 4 * sq33, 33 + 4 * sq33],
... ]) / 66.0
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(intersections - expected_ints))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err)
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> points = curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> expected_pts = np.asfortranarray([
...     [33 - 4 * sq33, 33 + 4 * sq33],
...     [           17, 17           ],
... ]) / 66.0
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(points - expected_pts))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err)
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.25,  0.5, 0.75, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 2.0 , -2.0, 2.0 , 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=4)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> points = curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> sq7 = np.sqrt(7.0)
>>> expected_ints = np.asfortranarray([
...     [7 - sq7, 7 + sq7, 0, 14],
...     [7 - sq7, 7 + sq7, 0, 14],
... ]) / 14.0
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(intersections - expected_ints))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err) <= -53
>>> expected_pts = np.asfortranarray([
...     [7 - sq7, 7 + sq7, 0, 14],
...     [      6,       6, 0, 0 ],
... ]) / 14.0
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(points - expected_pts))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err) <= -53
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [-0.125  , 0.5    ,  1.125  ],
...     [-0.28125, 1.28125, -0.28125],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [ 1.5625, -1.5625, 1.5625],
...     [-0.0625,  0.25  , 0.5625],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> sq5 = np.sqrt(5.0)
>>> expected_ints = np.asfortranarray([
...     [4 - sq5, 3, 9, 4 + sq5],
...     [6 - sq5, 7, 1, 6 + sq5],
... ]) / 10.0
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(intersections - expected_ints))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err) <= -51
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> points = curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> expected_pts = np.asfortranarray([
...     [6 - 2 * sq5, 4, 16, 6 + 2 * sq5],
...     [    5 - sq5, 6,  0, 5 + sq5    ],
... ]) / 16.0
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(points - expected_pts))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err)

For higher degree intersections, the error starts to get a little larger.

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.25 , 0.625, 1.0],
...     [0.625, 0.25 , 1.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.0],
...     [0.5, 1.0 , 1.5 , 0.5],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=3)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> s_vals = np.roots([486, -3726, 13905, -18405, 6213, 1231])
>>> _, s_val, _ = np.sort(s_vals[s_vals.imag == 0].real)
>>> t_vals = np.roots([4, -16, 13, 25, -28, 4])
>>> _, _, t_val = np.sort(t_vals[t_vals.imag == 0].real)
>>> expected_ints = np.asfortranarray([
...     [s_val],
...     [t_val],
... ])
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(intersections - expected_ints))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err) <= -49
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> points = curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> x_val = (3 * s_val + 1) / 4
>>> y_val = (9 * s_val * s_val - 6 * s_val + 5) / 8
>>> expected_pts = np.asfortranarray([
...     [x_val],
...     [y_val],
... ])
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(points - expected_pts))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err) <= -49
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 6.0],
...     [8.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=1)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.375, 2.125, 3.875, 5.625],
...     [7.0  , 8.0  , 0.0  , 1.0  ],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=3)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> sq7 = np.sqrt(7.0)
>>> expected_ints = np.asfortranarray([
...     [24, 24 - 7 * sq7, 24 + 7 * sq7],
...     [24, 24 - 8 * sq7, 24 + 8 * sq7],
... ]) / 48.0
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(intersections - expected_ints))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err)
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> points = curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> expected_pts = np.asfortranarray([
...     [72, 72 - 21 * sq7, 72 + 21 * sq7],
...     [96, 96 + 28 * sq7, 96 - 28 * sq7],
... ]) / 24.0
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(points - expected_pts))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err)
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0  , 1.0  ],
...     [0.375, 0.375],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=1)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.125, 0.375, 0.625, 0.875 ],
...     [0.25 , 0.75 , 0.0  , 0.1875],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=3)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> points = curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> s_val2, s_val1, _ = np.sort(np.roots(
...     [17920, -29760, 13512, -1691]))
>>> t_val2, t_val1, _ = np.sort(np.roots([35, -60, 24, -2]))
>>> expected_ints = np.asfortranarray([
...     [s_val1, s_val2],
...     [t_val1, t_val2],
... ])
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(intersections - expected_ints))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err) <= -51
>>> expected_pts = np.asfortranarray([
...     [s_val1, s_val2],
...     [ 0.375, 0.375 ],
... ])
>>> max_err = np.max(np.abs(points - expected_pts))
>>> binary_exponent(max_err) <= -51

Intersections at Endpoints

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [1.0,  1.5, 2.0],
...     [0.0, -1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [2.0, 1.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 4.5, 9.0],
...     [0.0, 9.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [11.0,  7.0, 3.0],
...     [ 8.0, 10.0, 4.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
       [1.      ]])
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)


Intersections that occur at points of tangency are in general problematic. For example, consider

\[\begin{split}B_1(s) = \left[ \begin{array}{c} s \\ 2s(1 - s)\end{array}\right], \quad B_2(t) = \left[ \begin{array}{c} t \\ t^2 + (1 - t)^2 \end{array}\right]\end{split}\]

The first curve is the zero set of \(y - 2x(1 - x)\), so plugging in the second curve gives

\[0 = t^2 + (1 - t)^2 - 2t(1 - t) = (2t - 1)^2.\]

This shows that a point of tangency is equivalent to a repeated root of a polynomial. For this example, the intersection process successfully terminates

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [1.0, 0.0, 1.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)

This library makes an earnest effort to compute tangent intersections. For example, when the curves


have been subdivided and approximated by lines, the corresponding segments are parallel, hence don’t intersect. At this point, this library detects the problematic intersection point and switches to a more robust Newton’s method that is built to handle the numerical issue caused by the double root.

Unlike the first tangent example, this intersection occurs at parameters which are not exact floating point numbers:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.375, 0.75 ],
...     [0.0, 0.75 , 0.375],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.25 , 0.625, 1.0],
...     [0.625, 0.25 , 1.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)

See another case where one parameter is an exact floating point number and the other is not:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 4.5, 9.0],
...     [0.0, 9.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [3.0, 8.0],
...     [4.5, 4.5],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=1)
>>> intersections = curve1.intersect(curve2)
>>> intersections
>>> s_vals = np.asfortranarray(intersections[0, :])
>>> curve1.evaluate_multi(s_vals)

In addition to points of tangency, coincident curve segments are partially supported (but are in general hard to detect). For the curves


the library determines the “intersection” points as the beginning and end of the segment that is common to both curves:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.25, 0.75, 1.25],
...     [0.375, 0.875, -0.625],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> curve1.intersect(curve2)
array([[0.25, 1.  ],
       [0.  , 0.75]])