``0.6.2`` ========= |pypi| |docs| Python Changes -------------- Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Converted ``CHANGELOG.md`` file into a `releases `__ docs page (`0027cd7 `__). Non-Public API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Collapsed all Cython-generated modules into a single ``bezier._speedup`` module (`8bcb319 `__). - This is the change that **prompted the release**. - Dropped the five ``bezier._HAS_*_SPEEDUP`` members for a single ``bezier._HAS_SPEEDUP`` (this was the previous approach before ``0.6.0``). - Renamed a few of the Cython helper functions to avoid name collision. - This was done to fix a bug and prevent future bugs. The issue was that a mutable Fortran global (``MAX_CANDIDATES``) was being included via an object file in **separate** extension modules. When one module updated the global, the other module never saw the update (because it was a different copy). .. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/bezier/0.6.2.svg :target: https://pypi.org/project/bezier/0.6.2/ :alt: PyPI link to release 0.6.2 .. |docs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/bezier/badge/?version=0.6.2 :target: https://bezier.readthedocs.io/en/0.6.2/ :alt: Documentation for release 0.6.2