``0.6.1`` ========= |pypi| |docs| Python Changes -------------- Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Noting that ``Surface.intersect()`` can return a list of either ``CurvedPolygon`` or ``Surface`` instances (`16e77d7 `__). Breaking Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Removing ``IntersectionClassification`` enum from ``_status.pxd`` (`4da969e `__). Non-Public API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Adding getters and setters for parameters used during curve-curve intersection (`ef4ebc0 `__): - ``bezier._geometric_intersection.set_max_candidates()`` - ``bezier._geometric_intersection.get_max_candidates()`` - ``bezier._geometric_intersection.set_similar_ulps()`` - ``bezier._geometric_intersection.get_similar_ulps()`` ABI Changes ----------- Surface Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Switching from ``int`` to an actual enum for relevant functions with output values that are enums: - In ``surface_intersection.h::surface_intersections``, ``contained`` is now a ``SurfaceContained`` (`0a9c0c3 `__) and ``status`` is now a ``Status`` (`c356c32 `__) - In ``curve_intersection.h::bbox_intersect``, ``enum_`` is now a ``BoxIntersectionType`` (`ef856af `__) - In ``curve_intersection.h::curve_intersections``, ``status`` is now a ``Status`` (`ef856af `__) - Adding getters and setters for parameters used during curve-curve intersection (`ef4ebc0 `__): - ``curve_intersection.h::set_max_candidates`` - ``curve_intersection.h::get_max_candidates`` - ``curve_intersection.h::set_similar_ulps`` - ``curve_intersection.h::get_similar_ulps`` Breaking Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Removing inputs ``curve_start / curve_end`` and outputs ``true_start / true_end`` in ``curve.h::specialize_curve`` (`959c547 `__) .. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/bezier/0.6.1.svg :target: https://pypi.org/project/bezier/0.6.1/ :alt: PyPI link to release 0.6.1 .. |docs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/bezier/badge/?version=0.6.1 :target: https://bezier.readthedocs.io/en/0.6.1/ :alt: Documentation for release 0.6.1