bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers module

Pure Python helper methods for bezier.triangle.

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.polynomial_sign(poly_triangle, degree)

Determine the “sign” of a polynomial on the reference triangle.


This is used only by Triangle._compute_valid() (which is in turn used to compute / cache the Triangle.is_valid property).

Checks if a polynomial \(p(s, t)\) is positive, negative or mixed sign on the reference triangle.

Does this by utilizing the Bézier form of \(p\): it is a convex combination of the Bernstein basis (real numbers) hence if the Bernstein basis is all positive, the polynomial must be.

If the values are mixed, then we can recursively subdivide until we are in a region where the coefficients are all one sign.

  • poly_triangle (numpy.ndarray) – 2D array (with 1 row) of control points for a “triangle”, i.e. a bivariate polynomial.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle / polynomial given by poly_triangle.


The sign of the polynomial. Will be one of -1, 1 or 0. A value of 0 indicates a mixed sign or the zero polynomial.

Return type



ValueError – If no conclusion is reached after the maximum number of subdivisions.


Compute the determinant of a 2x2 matrix.

This is “needed” because numpy.linalg.det() uses a more generic determinant implementation which can introduce rounding even when the simple \(a d - b c\) will suffice. For example:


mat (numpy.ndarray) – A 2x2 matrix.


The determinant of mat.

Return type



Compute the Jacobian determinant of a quadratic triangle.


This is used only by Triangle._compute_valid() (which is in turn used to compute / cache the Triangle.is_valid property).

Converts \(\det(J(s, t))\) to a polynomial on the reference triangle and represents it as a triangle object.


This assumes that nodes is 2 x 6 but doesn’t verify this. (However, the right multiplication by _QUADRATIC_JACOBIAN_HELPER would fail if nodes wasn’t R x 6 and then the ensuing determinants would fail if there weren’t 2 rows.)


nodes (numpy.ndarray) – A 2 x 6 array of nodes in a triangle.


1 x 6 array, coefficients in Bernstein basis.

Return type



Compute the Jacobian determinant of a cubic triangle.


This is used only by Triangle._compute_valid() (which is in turn used to compute / cache the Triangle.is_valid property).

Converts \(\det(J(s, t))\) to a polynomial on the reference triangle and represents it as a triangle object.


This assumes that nodes is 2 x 10 but doesn’t verify this. (However, the right multiplication by _CUBIC_JACOBIAN_HELPER would fail if nodes wasn’t R x 10 and then the ensuing determinants would fail if there weren’t 2 rows.)


nodes (numpy.ndarray) – A 2 x 10 array of nodes in a triangle.


1 x 15 array, coefficients in Bernstein basis.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.de_casteljau_one_round(nodes, degree, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3)

Performs one “round” of the de Casteljau algorithm for triangles.


There is also a Fortran implementation of this function, which will be used if it can be built.


This is a helper function, used by make_transform() and specialize_triangle() (and make_transform() is only used by specialize_triangle()).

Converts the nodes into a basis for a triangle one degree smaller by using the barycentric weights:

\[q_{i, j, k} = \lambda_1 \cdot p_{i + 1, j, k} + \lambda_2 \cdot p_{i, j + 1, k} + \lambda_2 \cdot p_{i, j, k + 1}\]
  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – The nodes to reduce.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle.

  • lambda1 (float) – Parameter along the reference triangle.

  • lambda2 (float) – Parameter along the reference triangle.

  • lambda3 (float) – Parameter along the reference triangle.


The converted nodes.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.make_transform(degree, weights_a, weights_b, weights_c)

Compute matrices corresponding to the de Casteljau algorithm.


This is a helper used only by specialize_triangle().

Applies the de Casteljau to the identity matrix, thus effectively caching the algorithm in a transformation matrix.


This is premature optimization. It’s unclear if the time saved from “caching” one round of de Casteljau is cancelled out by the extra storage required for the 3 matrices.

  • degree (int) – The degree of a candidate triangle.

  • weights_a (numpy.ndarray) – Triple (1D array) of barycentric weights for a point in the reference triangle

  • weights_b (numpy.ndarray) – Triple (1D array) of barycentric weights for a point in the reference triangle

  • weights_c (numpy.ndarray) – Triple (1D array) of barycentric weights for a point in the reference triangle


Mapping from keys to the de Casteljau transformation mappings. The keys are 0 corresponding to weights_a, 1 to weights_b and 2 to weights_c.

Return type

Mapping [ int, numpy.ndarray ]

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.reduced_to_matrix(shape, degree, vals_by_weight)

Converts a reduced values dictionary into a matrix.


This is a helper used only by specialize_triangle().

The vals_by_weight mapping has keys of the form: (0, ..., 1, ..., 2, ...) where the 0 corresponds to the number of times the first set of barycentric weights was used in the reduction process, and similarly for 1 and 2.

These points correspond to barycentric weights in their own right. For example (0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2) corresponds to the barycentric weight \(\left(\frac{3}{6}, \frac{1}{6}, \frac{2}{6}\right)\).

Once the keys in vals_by_weight have been converted to barycentric coordinates, we order them according to our rule (bottom to top, left to right) and then return them in a single matrix.

  • shape (tuple) – The shape of the result matrix.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle.

  • vals_by_weight (Mapping [ tuple, numpy.ndarray ]) – Dictionary of reduced nodes according to blending of each of the three sets of weights in a reduction.


The newly created reduced control points.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.specialize_triangle(nodes, degree, weights_a, weights_b, weights_c)

Specialize a triangle to a reparameterization.


There is also a Fortran implementation of this function, which will be used if it can be built.

Does so by taking three points (in barycentric form) within the reference triangle and then reparameterizing the triangle onto the triangle formed by those three points.


This assumes the triangle is degree 1 or greater but doesn’t check.


This is used only as a helper for subdivide_nodes(), however it may be worth adding this to Triangle as an analogue to Curve.specialize().

  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – Control points for a triangle.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle.

  • weights_a (numpy.ndarray) – Triple (1D array) of barycentric weights for a point in the reference triangle

  • weights_b (numpy.ndarray) – Triple (1D array) of barycentric weights for a point in the reference triangle

  • weights_c (numpy.ndarray) – Triple (1D array) of barycentric weights for a point in the reference triangle


The control points for the specialized triangle.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.subdivide_nodes(nodes, degree)

Subdivide a triangle into four sub-triangles.


There is also a Fortran implementation of this function, which will be used if it can be built.

Does so by taking the unit triangle (i.e. the domain of the triangle) and splitting it into four sub-triangles by connecting the midpoints of each side.

  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – Control points for a triangle.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle.


The nodes for the four sub-triangles.

Return type

Tuple [ numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray ]

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.jacobian_s(nodes, degree, dimension)

Compute \(\frac{\partial B}{\partial s}\).


This is a helper for jacobian_both(), which has an equivalent Fortran implementation.

  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – Array of nodes in a triangle.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle.

  • dimension (int) – The dimension the triangle lives in.


Nodes of the Jacobian triangle in Bézier form.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.jacobian_t(nodes, degree, dimension)

Compute \(\frac{\partial B}{\partial t}\).


This is a helper for jacobian_both(), which has an equivalent Fortran implementation.

  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – Array of nodes in a triangle.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle.

  • dimension (int) – The dimension the triangle lives in.


Nodes of the Jacobian triangle in Bézier form.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.jacobian_both(nodes, degree, dimension)

Compute \(s\) and \(t\) partial of \(B\).


There is also a Fortran implementation of this function, which will be used if it can be built.

  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – Array of nodes in a triangle.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle.

  • dimension (int) – The dimension the triangle lives in.


Nodes of the Jacobian triangles in Bézier form.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.jacobian_det(nodes, degree, st_vals)

Compute \(\det(D B)\) at a set of values.

This requires that \(B \in \mathbf{R}^2\).


This assumes but does not check that each (s, t) in st_vals is inside the reference triangle.


This relies on helpers in bezier for computing the Jacobian of the triangle. However, these helpers are not part of the public API and may change or be removed.

>>> nodes = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.5, 0.0],
...     [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0],
... ])
>>> triangle = bezier.Triangle(nodes, degree=2)
>>> st_vals = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.25, 0.0  ],
...     [0.75, 0.125],
...     [0.5 , 0.5  ],
... ])
>>> s_vals, t_vals = st_vals.T
>>> triangle.evaluate_cartesian_multi(st_vals)
array([[0.5 , 1.59375, 1.25 ],
       [0.  , 0.34375, 1.25 ]])
>>> # B(s, t) = [s(t + 2), t(s + 2)]
>>> s_vals * (t_vals + 2)
array([0.5 , 1.59375, 1.25 ])
>>> t_vals * (s_vals + 2)
array([0. , 0.34375, 1.25 ])
>>> jacobian_det(nodes, 2, st_vals)
array([4.5 , 5.75, 6. ])
>>> # det(DB) = 2(s + t + 2)
>>> 2 * (s_vals + t_vals + 2)
array([4.5 , 5.75, 6. ])


There is also a Fortran implementation of this function, which will be used if it can be built.

  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – Nodes defining a Bézier triangle \(B(s, t)\).

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle \(B\).

  • st_vals (numpy.ndarray) – N x 2 array of Cartesian inputs to Bézier triangles defined by \(B_s\) and \(B_t\).


Array of all determinant values, one for each row in st_vals.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.classify_tangent_intersection(intersection, nodes1, tangent1, nodes2, tangent2)

Helper for classify_intersection() at tangencies.


This is a helper used only by classify_intersection().

  • intersection (Intersection) – An intersection object.

  • nodes1 (numpy.ndarray) – Control points for the first curve at the intersection.

  • tangent1 (numpy.ndarray) – The tangent vector to the first curve at the intersection (2 x 1 array).

  • nodes2 (numpy.ndarray) – Control points for the second curve at the intersection.

  • tangent2 (numpy.ndarray) – The tangent vector to the second curve at the intersection (2 x 1 array).


The “inside” curve type, based on the classification enum. Will either be opposed or one of the tangent values.

Return type



NotImplementedError – If the curves are tangent at the intersection and have the same curvature.

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.ignored_edge_corner(edge_tangent, corner_tangent, corner_previous_edge)

Check ignored when a corner lies inside another edge.


This is a helper used only by ignored_corner(), which in turn is only used by classify_intersection().

Helper for ignored_corner() where one of s and t are 0, but not both.

  • edge_tangent (numpy.ndarray) – Tangent vector (2 x 1 array) along the edge that the intersection occurs in the middle of.

  • corner_tangent (numpy.ndarray) – Tangent vector (2 x 1 array) at the corner where intersection occurs (at the beginning of edge).

  • corner_previous_edge (numpy.ndarray) – Edge that ends at the corner intersection (whereas corner_tangent comes from the edge that begins at the corner intersection). This is a 2 x N array where N is the number of nodes on the edge.


Indicates if the corner intersection should be ignored.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.ignored_double_corner(intersection, tangent_s, tangent_t, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)

Check if an intersection is an “ignored” double corner.


This is a helper used only by ignored_corner(), which in turn is only used by classify_intersection().

Helper for ignored_corner() where both s and t are 0.

Does so by checking if either edge through the t corner goes through the interior of the other triangle. An interior check is done by checking that a few cross products are positive.


Indicates if the corner is to be ignored.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.ignored_corner(intersection, tangent_s, tangent_t, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)

Check if an intersection is an “ignored” corner.


This is a helper used only by classify_intersection().

An “ignored” corner is one where the triangles just “kiss” at the point of intersection but their interiors do not meet.

We can determine this by comparing the tangent lines from the point of intersection.


This assumes the intersection has been shifted to the beginning of a curve so only checks if s == 0.0 or t == 0.0 (rather than also checking for 1.0).


Indicates if the corner is to be ignored.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)

Determine which curve is on the “inside of the intersection”.


This is a helper used only by Triangle.intersect().

This is intended to be a helper for forming a CurvedPolygon from the edge intersections of two Triangle-s. In order to move from one intersection to another (or to the end of an edge), the interior edge must be determined at the point of intersection.

The “typical” case is on the interior of both edges:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [1.0, 1.75, 2.0],
...     [0.0, 0.25, 1.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 1.6875, 2.0],
...     [0.0, 0.0625, 0.5],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> s, t = 0.25, 0.5
>>> curve1.evaluate(s) == curve2.evaluate(t)
array([[ True],
       [ True]])
>>> tangent1 = hodograph(curve1, s)
>>> tangent1
>>> tangent2 = hodograph(curve2, t)
>>> tangent2
array([[2. ],
>>> intersection = Intersection(0, s, 0, t)
>>> edge_nodes1 = (nodes1, None, None)
>>> edge_nodes2 = (nodes2, None, None)
>>> classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)
<IntersectionClassification.FIRST: 0>

We determine the interior (i.e. left) one by using the right-hand rule: by embedding the tangent vectors in \(\mathbf{R}^3\), we compute

\[\begin{split}\left[\begin{array}{c} x_1'(s) \\ y_1'(s) \\ 0 \end{array}\right] \times \left[\begin{array}{c} x_2'(t) \\ y_2'(t) \\ 0 \end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \\ x_1'(s) y_2'(t) - x_2'(t) y_1'(s) \end{array}\right].\end{split}\]

If the cross product quantity \(B_1'(s) \times B_2'(t) = x_1'(s) y_2'(t) - x_2'(t) y_1'(s)\) is positive, then the first curve is “outside” / “to the right”, i.e. the second curve is interior. If the cross product is negative, the first curve is interior.

When \(B_1'(s) \times B_2'(t) = 0\), the tangent vectors are parallel, i.e. the intersection is a point of tangency:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [1.0, 1.5, 2.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 1.5, 3.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> s, t = 0.5, 0.5
>>> curve1.evaluate(s) == curve2.evaluate(t)
array([[ True],
       [ True]])
>>> intersection = Intersection(0, s, 0, t)
>>> edge_nodes1 = (nodes1, None, None)
>>> edge_nodes2 = (nodes2, None, None)
>>> classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)
<IntersectionClassification.TANGENT_SECOND: 4>

Depending on the direction of the parameterizations, the interior curve may change, but we can use the (signed) curvature of each curve at that point to determine which is on the interior:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [2.0, 1.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [3.0, 1.5, 0.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> s, t = 0.5, 0.5
>>> curve1.evaluate(s) == curve2.evaluate(t)
array([[ True],
       [ True]])
>>> intersection = Intersection(0, s, 0, t)
>>> edge_nodes1 = (nodes1, None, None)
>>> edge_nodes2 = (nodes2, None, None)
>>> classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)
<IntersectionClassification.TANGENT_FIRST: 3>

When the curves are moving in opposite directions at a point of tangency, there is no side to choose. Either the point of tangency is not part of any CurvedPolygon intersection

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [2.0, 1.5, 1.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 1.5, 3.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> s, t = 0.5, 0.5
>>> curve1.evaluate(s) == curve2.evaluate(t)
array([[ True],
       [ True]])
>>> intersection = Intersection(0, s, 0, t)
>>> edge_nodes1 = (nodes1, None, None)
>>> edge_nodes2 = (nodes2, None, None)
>>> classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)
<IntersectionClassification.OPPOSED: 2>

or the point of tangency is a “degenerate” part of two CurvedPolygon intersections. It is “degenerate” because from one direction, the point should be classified as FIRST and from another as SECOND.

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [1.0, 1.5, 2.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [3.0, 1.5, 0.0],
...     [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> s, t = 0.5, 0.5
>>> curve1.evaluate(s) == curve2.evaluate(t)
array([[ True],
       [ True]])
>>> intersection = Intersection(0, s, 0, t)
>>> edge_nodes1 = (nodes1, None, None)
>>> edge_nodes2 = (nodes2, None, None)
>>> classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)
<IntersectionClassification.TANGENT_BOTH: 6>

The TANGENT_BOTH classification can also occur if the curves are “kissing” but share a zero width interior at the point of tangency:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 20.0, 40.0],
...     [0.0, 40.0,  0.0],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [40.0, 20.0,  0.0],
...     [40.0,  0.0, 40.0],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> s, t = 0.5, 0.5
>>> curve1.evaluate(s) == curve2.evaluate(t)
array([[ True],
       [ True]])
>>> intersection = Intersection(0, s, 0, t)
>>> edge_nodes1 = (nodes1, None, None)
>>> edge_nodes2 = (nodes2, None, None)
>>> classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)
<IntersectionClassification.TANGENT_BOTH: 6>

However, if the curvature of each curve is identical, we don’t try to distinguish further:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [-0.125 , -0.125 , 0.375 ],
...     [ 0.0625, -0.0625, 0.0625],
... ])
>>> curve1 = bezier.Curve(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [-0.25, -0.25, 0.75],
...     [ 0.25, -0.25, 0.25],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> s, t = 0.5, 0.5
>>> curve1.evaluate(s) == curve2.evaluate(t)
array([[ True],
       [ True]])
>>> hodograph(curve1, s)
       [0. ]])
>>> hodograph(curve2, t)
>>> curvature(curve1, s)
>>> curvature(curve2, t)
>>> intersection = Intersection(0, s, 0, t)
>>> edge_nodes1 = (nodes1, None, None)
>>> edge_nodes2 = (nodes2, None, None)
>>> classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Tangent curves have same curvature.

In addition to points of tangency, intersections that happen at the end of an edge need special handling:

>>> nodes1a = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0, 4.5, 9.0 ],
...     [0.0, 0.0, 2.25],
... ])
>>> curve1a = bezier.Curve(nodes1a, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [11.25, 9.0, 2.75],
...     [ 0.0 , 4.5, 1.0 ],
... ])
>>> curve2 = bezier.Curve(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> s, t = 1.0, 0.375
>>> curve1a.evaluate(s) == curve2.evaluate(t)
array([[ True],
       [ True]])
>>> intersection = Intersection(0, s, 0, t)
>>> edge_nodes1 = (nodes1a, None, None)
>>> edge_nodes2 = (nodes2, None, None)
>>> classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ('Intersection occurs at the end of an edge',
             's', 1.0, 't', 0.375)
>>> nodes1b = np.asfortranarray([
...     [9.0, 4.5, 0.0],
...     [2.25, 2.375, 2.5],
... ])
>>> curve1b = bezier.Curve(nodes1b, degree=2)
>>> curve1b.evaluate(0.0) == curve2.evaluate(t)
array([[ True],
       [ True]])
>>> intersection = Intersection(1, 0.0, 0, t)
>>> edge_nodes1 = (nodes1a, nodes1b, None)
>>> classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)
<IntersectionClassification.FIRST: 0>

As above, some intersections at the end of an edge are part of an actual intersection. However, some triangles may just “kiss” at a corner intersection:

>>> nodes1 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.625, 0.5  , 1.0 ],
...     [1.0 , 0.5, 0.0, 0.875, 0.375, 0.75],
... ])
>>> triangle1 = bezier.Triangle(nodes1, degree=2)
>>> nodes2 = np.asfortranarray([
...     [0.0625, -0.25, -1.0, -0.5  , -1.0, -1.0],
...     [0.5   ,  1.0 ,  1.0,  0.125,  0.5,  0.0],
... ])
>>> triangle2 = bezier.Triangle(nodes2, degree=2)
>>> curve1, _, _ = triangle1.edges
>>> edge_nodes1 = [curve.nodes for curve in triangle1.edges]
>>> curve2, _, _ = triangle2.edges
>>> edge_nodes2 = [curve.nodes for curve in triangle2.edges]
>>> s, t = 0.5, 0.0
>>> curve1.evaluate(s) == curve2.evaluate(t)
array([[ True],
       [ True]])
>>> intersection = Intersection(0, s, 0, t)
>>> classify_intersection(intersection, edge_nodes1, edge_nodes2)
<IntersectionClassification.IGNORED_CORNER: 5>


This assumes the intersection occurs in \(\mathbf{R}^2\) but doesn’t check this.


This function doesn’t allow wiggle room / round-off when checking endpoints, nor when checking if the cross product is near zero, nor when curvatures are compared. However, the most “correct” version of this function likely should allow for some round off.


The “inside” curve type, based on the classification enum.

Return type



ValueError – If the intersection occurs at the end of either curve involved. This is because we want to classify which curve to move forward on, and we can’t move past the end of a segment.

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.handle_ends(index1, s, index2, t)

Updates intersection parameters if it is on the end of an edge.


This is a helper used only by Triangle.intersect().

Does nothing if the intersection happens in the middle of two edges.

If the intersection occurs at the end of the first curve, moves it to the beginning of the next edge. Similar for the second curve.

This function is used as a pre-processing step before passing an intersection to classify_intersection(). There, only corners that begin an edge are considered, since that function is trying to determine which edge to move forward on.

  • index1 (int) – The index (among 0, 1, 2) of the first edge in the intersection.

  • s (float) – The parameter along the first curve of the intersection.

  • index2 (int) – The index (among 0, 1, 2) of the second edge in the intersection.

  • t (float) – The parameter along the second curve of the intersection.


A triple of:

  • flag indicating if the intersection is at the end of an edge

  • flag indicating if the intersection is a “corner”

  • 4-tuple of the “updated” values (index1, s, index2, t)

Return type

Tuple [ bool, bool, Tuple [ int, float, int, float ] ]

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.to_front(intersection, intersections, unused)

Rotates a node to the “front”.


This is a helper used only by basic_interior_combine(), which in turn is only used by combine_intersections().

If a node is at the end of a segment, moves it to the beginning of the next segment (at the exact same point). We assume that callers have pruned intersections so that there are none with s == 1.0 or t == 1.0. Hence, any such intersection will be an “artificial” intersection added by get_next().


This method checks for exact endpoints, i.e. parameter bitwise identical to 1.0. But it may make sense to allow some wiggle room.

  • intersection (Intersection) – The current intersection.

  • intersections (List [ Intersection ]) – List of all detected intersections, provided as a reference for of potential points to arrive at.

  • unused (List [ Intersection ]) – List nodes that haven’t been used yet in an intersection curved polygon


An intersection to (maybe) move to the beginning of the next edge of the triangle.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.get_next_first(intersection, intersections, to_end=True)

Gets the next node along the current (first) edge.


This is a helper used only by get_next(), which in turn is only used by basic_interior_combine(), which itself is only used by combine_intersections().

Along with get_next_second(), this function does the majority of the heavy lifting in get_next(). Very similar to get_next_second(), but this works with the first curve while the other function works with the second.

  • intersection (Intersection) – The current intersection.

  • intersections (List [ Intersection ]) – List of all detected intersections, provided as a reference for potential points to arrive at.

  • to_end (Optional [ bool ]) – Indicates if the next node should just be the end of the first edge or None.


point along a triangle of intersection. This will produce the next Optional [ Intersection ] : The “next” intersection along the current (first) edge or the end of the same edge. If to_end is False and there are no other intersections along the current edge, will return None (rather than the end of the same edge).

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.get_next_second(intersection, intersections, to_end=True)

Gets the next node along the current (second) edge.


This is a helper used only by get_next(), which in turn is only used by basic_interior_combine(), which itself is only used by combine_intersections().

Along with get_next_first(), this function does the majority of the heavy lifting in get_next(). Very similar to get_next_first(), but this works with the second curve while the other function works with the first.

  • intersection (Intersection) – The current intersection.

  • intersections (List [ Intersection ]) – List of all detected intersections, provided as a reference for potential points to arrive at.

  • to_end (Optional [ bool ]) – Indicates if the next node should just be the end of the first edge or None.


point along a triangle of intersection. This will produce the next Optional [ Intersection ] : The “next” intersection along the current (second) edge or the end of the same edge. If to_end is False and there are no other intersections along the current edge, will return None (rather than the end of the same edge).

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.get_next_coincident(intersection, intersections)

Gets the next node along the current (coincident) edge.


This is a helper used only by get_next(), which in turn is only used by basic_interior_combine(), which itself is only used by combine_intersections().

Along with get_next_first() and get_next_second(), this function does the majority of the heavy lifting in get_next().

This function moves immediately to the “next” intersection along the “current” edge. An intersection labeled as COINCIDENT can only occur at the beginning of a segment. The end will correspond to the s or t parameter being equal to 1.0 and so it will get “rotated” to the front of the next edge, where it will be classified according to a different edge pair.

It’s also worth noting that some coincident segments will correspond to curves moving in opposite directions. In that case, there is no “interior” intersection (the curves are facing away) and so that segment won’t be part of an intersection.

  • intersection (Intersection) – The current intersection.

  • intersections (List [ Intersection ]) – List of all detected intersections, provided as a reference for potential points to arrive at.


The “next” point along a triangle of intersection. This will produce the next intersection along the current (second) edge or the end of the same edge.

Return type



Check if a classification is on the “first” curve.


classification (IntersectionClassification) – The classification being checked.


Indicating if the classification is on the first curve.

Return type



Check if a classification is on the “second” curve.


classification (IntersectionClassification) – The classification being checked.


Indicating if the classification is on the second curve.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.get_next(intersection, intersections, unused)

Gets the next node along a given edge.


This is a helper used only by basic_interior_combine(), which in turn is only used by combine_intersections(). This function does the majority of the heavy lifting for basic_interior_combine().


This function returns Intersection objects even when the point isn’t strictly an intersection. This is “incorrect” in some sense, but for now, we don’t bother implementing a class similar to, but different from, Intersection to satisfy this need.

  • intersection (Intersection) – The current intersection.

  • intersections (List [ Intersection ]) – List of all detected intersections, provided as a reference for of potential points to arrive at.

  • unused (List [ Intersection ]) – List nodes that haven’t been used yet in an intersection curved polygon


The “next” point along a triangle of intersection. This will produce the next intersection along the current edge or the end of the current edge.

Return type



ValueError – If the intersection is not classified as FIRST, TANGENT_FIRST, SECOND, TANGENT_SECOND or COINCIDENT.

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.ends_to_curve(start_node, end_node)

Convert a “pair” of intersection nodes to a curve segment.


This is a helper used only by basic_interior_combine(), which in turn is only used by combine_intersections().


This function could specialize to the first or second segment attached to start_node and end_node. We determine first / second based on the classification of start_node, but the callers of this function could provide that information / isolate the base curve and the two parameters for us.


This only checks the classification of the start_node.


The 3-tuple of:

  • The edge index along the first triangle (if in {0, 1, 2}) or the edge index along the second triangle shifted to the right by 3 (if in {3, 4, 5})

  • The start parameter along the edge

  • The end parameter along the edge

Return type

Tuple [ int, float, float ]

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.no_intersections(nodes1, degree1, nodes2, degree2)

Determine if one triangle is in the other.

Helper for combine_intersections() that handles the case of no points of intersection. In this case, either the triangles are disjoint or one is fully contained in the other.

To check containment, it’s enough to check if one of the corners is contained in the other triangle.

  • nodes1 (numpy.ndarray) – The nodes defining the first triangle in the intersection (assumed in :math:mathbf{R}^2`).

  • degree1 (int) – The degree of the triangle given by nodes1.

  • nodes2 (numpy.ndarray) – The nodes defining the second triangle in the intersection (assumed in :math:mathbf{R}^2`).

  • degree2 (int) – The degree of the triangle given by nodes2.


Pair (2-tuple) of

  • Edges info list; will be empty or None

  • ”Contained” boolean. If not None, indicates that one of the triangles is contained in the other.

Return type

Tuple [ Optional [ list ] , Optional [ bool ] ]


Determine intersection in the case of only-tangent intersections.

If the only intersections are tangencies, then either the triangles are tangent but don’t meet (“kissing” edges) or one triangle is internally tangent to the other.

Thus we expect every intersection to be classified as TANGENT_FIRST, TANGENT_SECOND, OPPOSED, IGNORED_CORNER or COINCIDENT_UNUSED.

What’s more, we expect all intersections to be classified the same for a given pairing.


all_types (Set [ IntersectionClassification ]) – The set of all intersection classifications encountered among the intersections for the given triangle-triangle pair.


Pair (2-tuple) of

  • Edges info list; will be empty or None

  • ”Contained” boolean. If not None, indicates that one of the triangles is contained in the other.

Return type

Tuple [ Optional [ list ] , Optional [ bool ] ]

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.basic_interior_combine(intersections, max_edges=10)

Combine intersections that don’t involve tangencies.


This is a helper used only by combine_intersections().


This helper assumes intersections isn’t empty, but doesn’t enforce it.

  • intersections (List [ Intersection ]) – Intersections from each of the 9 edge-edge pairs from a triangle-triangle pairing.

  • max_edges (Optional [ int ]) – The maximum number of allowed / expected edges per intersection. This is to avoid infinite loops.


Pair (2-tuple) of

  • List of “edge info” lists. Each list represents a curved polygon and contains 3-tuples of edge index, start and end (see the output of ends_to_curve()).

  • ”Contained” boolean. If not None, indicates that one of the triangles is contained in the other.

Return type

Tuple [ Optional [ list ] , Optional [ bool ] ]


RuntimeError – If the number of edges in a curved polygon exceeds max_edges. This is interpreted as a sign that the algorithm failed.

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.combine_intersections(intersections, nodes1, degree1, nodes2, degree2, all_types)

Combine curve-curve intersections into curved polygon(s).


This is a helper used only by Triangle.intersect().

Does so assuming each intersection lies on an edge of one of two Triangle-s.


This assumes that each intersection has been classified via classify_intersection() and only the intersections classified as FIRST and SECOND were kept.

  • intersections (List [ Intersection ]) – Intersections from each of the 9 edge-edge pairs from a triangle-triangle pairing.

  • nodes1 (numpy.ndarray) – The nodes defining the first triangle in the intersection (assumed in \(\mathbf{R}^2\)).

  • degree1 (int) – The degree of the triangle given by nodes1.

  • nodes2 (numpy.ndarray) – The nodes defining the second triangle in the intersection (assumed in \(\mathbf{R}^2\)).

  • degree2 (int) – The degree of the triangle given by nodes2.

  • all_types (Set [ IntersectionClassification ]) – The set of all intersection classifications encountered among the intersections for the given triangle-triangle pair.


Pair (2-tuple) of

  • List of “edge info” lists. Each list represents a curved polygon and contains 3-tuples of edge index, start and end (see the output of ends_to_curve()).

  • ”Contained” boolean. If not None, indicates that one of the triangles is contained in the other.

Return type

Tuple [ Optional [ list ] , Optional [ bool ] ]

bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.evaluate_barycentric(nodes, degree, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3)

Compute a point on a triangle.

Evaluates \(B\left(\lambda_1, \lambda_2, \lambda_3\right)\) for a Bézier triangle / triangle defined by nodes.


There is also a Fortran implementation of this function, which will be used if it can be built.

  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – Control point nodes that define the triangle.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle define by nodes.

  • lambda1 (float) – Parameter along the reference triangle.

  • lambda2 (float) – Parameter along the reference triangle.

  • lambda3 (float) – Parameter along the reference triangle.


The evaluated point as a D x 1 array (where D is the ambient dimension where nodes reside).

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.evaluate_barycentric_multi(nodes, degree, param_vals, dimension)

Compute multiple points on the triangle.


There is also a Fortran implementation of this function, which will be used if it can be built.

  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – Control point nodes that define the triangle.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle define by nodes.

  • param_vals (numpy.ndarray) – Array of parameter values (as a N x 3 array).

  • dimension (int) – The dimension the triangle lives in.


The evaluated points, where columns correspond to rows of param_vals and the rows to the dimension of the underlying triangle.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.evaluate_cartesian_multi(nodes, degree, param_vals, dimension)

Compute multiple points on the triangle.


There is also a Fortran implementation of this function, which will be used if it can be built.

  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – Control point nodes that define the triangle.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle define by nodes.

  • param_vals (numpy.ndarray) – Array of parameter values (as a N x 2 array).

  • dimension (int) – The dimension the triangle lives in.


The evaluated points, where columns correspond to rows of param_vals and the rows to the dimension of the underlying triangle.

Return type


bezier.hazmat.triangle_helpers.compute_edge_nodes(nodes, degree)

Compute the nodes of each edges of a triangle.


There is also a Fortran implementation of this function, which will be used if it can be built.

  • nodes (numpy.ndarray) – Control point nodes that define the triangle.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the triangle define by nodes.


The nodes in the edges of the triangle.

Return type

Tuple [ numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray ]


Compute an auxiliary “shoelace” sum used to compute area.


This is a helper for compute_area().

Defining \(\left[i, j\right] = x_i y_j - y_i x_j\) as a shoelace term illuminates the name of this helper. On a degree one curve, this function will return

\[\frac{1}{2}\left[0, 1\right].\]

on a degree two curve it will return

\[\frac{1}{6}\left(2 \left[0, 1\right] + 2 \left[1, 2\right] + \left[0, 2\right]\right)\]

and so on.

For a given \(\left[i, j\right]\), the coefficient comes from integrating \(b_{i, d}, b_{j, d}\) on \(\left[0, 1\right]\) (where \(b_{i, d}, b_{j, d}\) are Bernstein basis polynomials).


The computed sum of shoelace terms.

Return type



UnsupportedDegree – If the degree is not 1, 2, 3 or 4.


Compute the area of a curved polygon.


There is also a Fortran implementation of this function, which will be used if it can be built.

Uses Green’s theorem to compute the area exactly. See Triangle.area and CurvedPolygon.area for more information.


edges (Tuple [ numpy.ndarray ]) – A list of 2 x N arrays, each of which are control points for an edge of a curved polygon.


The computed area.

Return type
